Llama Foods

Llama Foods brings affordable, quality food to food deserts and employ people from these communities with fair wages. 

The 2020 pandemic amplified the inequity that has always been present in our country.

“Members of minority racial and ethnic groups are disproportionately represented among COVID-19–associated deaths.” *

The virus propagated in low-income communities of color—individuals who do not have the luxury of working remotely. Nutritious food is critical for breaking the cycle of chronic disease (poor food → poor health → more bills → less money →  poor food). More access to more nutritious food gives these communities a fighting chance against future pandemics. 

Communities where access to preventative health care and even access to food exacerbates the prevalence of pre-existing conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which also made these communities particularly vulnerable.

The problem is staggering. 38 Million Americans live in poverty, and many live where easy access to nutritious food is impossible.

A food desert is where people have low incomes and low access to quality food. The Bay area is home to 9 of America's worst food deserts, and right here in San Francisco, we have a large part of the city that is considered a Food Desert.

Llama Foods
Bringing quality foods to food deserts sustainably and equitably.

Aynne Valencia, Amy Cheng, Audrey Graves


Old Portfolio


Me vs. We